【同义词辨析】 2017-12-18 肮脏dirty-squalid

dirty: emphasizes the presence of dirt more than emotional reaction to it: children ~ from play; OR stresses meanness or despicable: a little ~ secret.

filthy: carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and gradually accumulated dirt that besmears and begrimes: a stained, greasy floor, utterly ~; OR obscenity: ~ language. (besmear: 用油粘物弄脏) (begrime: 泥污等弄脏) (stain: 液体等留下的污迹)

foul: implies extreme offensiveness and accumulation of what rots and stints: a ~ smelling open sewer(下水道); OR disgusting obscenity or loathsome behavior: a record of ~ deeds.

nasty: applies to what is actually foul and repugnant to one expecting freshness, sweetness, or cleanliness: it's a ~ job to clean up after a sick cat. although in practice it is often no more than synonym of unpleasant, disagreeable: his answer gave her a ~ shock. (repugnant令人厌恶的)

squalid: adds to dirty and foul the idea of slovenly neglect: live in ~ poverty; or sordid baseness and dirtiness: a series of ~ affairs. (sordid肮脏卑鄙: dirty and dishonest脏不诚实: sordid details of their relationship他们关系的肮脏细节) (base卑鄙,比mean不高尚贬义重)

dirty脏的: 仅表示有泥污而不强调情绪反应,或不良让人轻视(mean这里是不高尚,是贬义词但贬义不重,所以译成不良) , filthy肮脏: 强调脏到冒犯(即极其讨厌),或下流淫秽(obscene淫秽: 过度涉黄或暴力,例句to behave obscenely举止下流), foul肮脏: 脏到极端冒犯发腐发臭(rot,stint)淫秽恶心让人厌恶(disgusting,loathsome),nasty脏: 事实脏让人厌恶,常仅表示不让人喜欢,squalid肮脏: 增加了邋遢疏于管理的意思,或肮脏卑鄙

记忆方法:1) 首字母记忆法,DFN想象成DouFuNao豆腐脑FS想象成FeiShui废水,做豆腐脑剩下的废水<==



          3)肮脏的意思是物质上或道德上不干净纯洁mean either physically or morally unclean or impure.